ITB Researchers Lead in the List of the World's Top 2% Scientists

A total of 14 ITB researchers were listed in the top 2% of the world's best researchers in the Single Year 2024 category, according to a list released by researchers affiliated with Stanford University via a link on Elsevier on September 16, 2024. The Single Year 2024 ranking is based on researchers' performance data from 2023, according to the Scopus data snapshot as of August 1, 2024. ITB's achievement increased by five individuals compared to a similar category release in 2023. Below is the list of fourteen (14) ITB researchers in the Single Year 2024 category:
1. Prof. (Em ITB). Ir. Tommy Firman, M.Sc., Ph.D.
2. Prof. Ir. I Gede Wenten, M.Sc., Ph.D.
3. Prof. Dr. Eng. Ferry Iskandar, M.Eng.
4. Prof. Brian Yuliarto, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D.
5. Dr. Rudi Dungani, S.Hut., M.Si.
6. Prof. Dr. Ir. Suwarno, M.T.
7. Prof. Dr. apt. Heni Rachmawati, M.Si.
8. Prof. Trio Adiono, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.
9. Prof. Dr. Ir. Pekik Argo Dahono [deceased]
10. *Antonius Indarto, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D.
11. *Dr. Megawati Zunita, S.Si., M.Si.
12. *Dr. Ir. Grandprix Thomryes Marth Kadja, M.Si.
13. *Pramudita Satria Palar, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.
14. *Taufiq Hidayat, S.T., M.Phill., Ph.D.

* newly included in the 2024 Single Year category release

In the Career category, seven (7) ITB researchers made it to the top 2% of the world’s best scientists. The Career category ranking is based on the researchers' lifetime performance data, according to the Scopus data snapshot as of August 1, 2024. ITB’s achievement increased by one person compared to a similar release in 2023. Below are the seven (7) ITB researchers in the Career category:
1. Prof. Dr. Eng. Ferry Iskandar, M.Eng.
2. Prof. (Em ITB). Ir. Tommy Firman, M.Sc., Ph.D.
3. Prof. Ir. I Gede Wenten, M.Sc., Ph.D.
4. Antonius Indarto, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D.
5. Prof. Dr. Ir. Pekik Argo Dahono [deceased]
6. Dr. Eng. Achmad Munir, S.T., M.Eng.
7. *Prof. Dr. Ir. Suwarno, M.T.

* newly included in the 2024 Career category release

According to ITB Vice Rector for Research and Innovation, Prof. Ir. I Gede Wenten, M.Sc., Ph.D., this achievement demonstrates the excellence of ITB's scientific culture and the consistent contributions ITB makes to the development of global science and technology.

Source: August 2024 data-update for "Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators"

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